
thoughts on software and the business of software

software, vc

My contrarian opinions about devtools

Jul 24, 2020 — Featured
4 min read
A popular tweetstorm about how I see investing in the developer tools space....

Building our own video conferencing solution with

Apr 2, 2020
3 min read
During lockdown, I decided to not spend all of my free time playing video games, and catch up on some programming. So a couple weeks ago, in between about 4-5 meetings, I put together a drop-in replacement for Zoom using the [] API. Presenting: Meet []. Pull requests and Issues welcome. I've abstracted away all the Root-specific code, so you can now deploy your own instance of Meet to your own Netlify account with one click from the GitHub...
software, vc

Floors and ceilings

Mar 3, 2020
4 min read
One framework I like to think about in large developer tools opportunities is what I'm trying to call lowering the floor and raising the ceiling....
software, vc

What is hard software?

Feb 20, 2020
1 min read
In Hard tech, I talked about the overarching thesis at Root Ventures. But I mentioned that my area is hard software. What do I mean by that? I'm tempted to say, "you know it when you see it," but here's a few heuristics I think about....

Developer tools are enterprise software

Feb 12, 2020
5 min read
Last week I wrote about how developer tools are consumer software, but there are also obvious ways in which they are enterprise software. Since this is more or less the traditional way to think about (and value) developer tools companies, I won’t belabor it, but there are a few interesting points...

Developer tools are consumer software

Feb 8, 2020
2 min read
I’m surprised how many firms put a partner from their enterprise software team on their developer tools thesis area. Don’t get me wrong, many of these investors are truly fantastic...